First off you have the name Ghost Rider; they should change it to the Skeleton Rider. That would be more scary to me for a skeleton can actually do harm to me. All a ghost can do is scare me by jumping out at me. If he was a ghost, he wouldn't be able to stab me or push me off a cliff or something like the sorts. Therefore we know he isn't a ghost, he is a skeleton, he can't walk through walls without destroying it.
Number two, the ghost rider has no muscle at all. How in the world does he move? Now I know that you don't have to have muscles to move if you have other things to movie you, but the Ghost Rider doesn't have any thing but bones. It would be more realistic if he had like gears and mechanical stuff like that, but no he can move with nothing but bone. I wonder if NASA has figured out how he does this; because I have yet to come up with a solution to the problem. Everybody that I know say that you have to have something doing work in order for you to move all things.
The next thing is he is on fire. There are a lot of problem here. One wouldn't the bones turn to ash, and what about that leather jacket of his. This would really stink, the smell of burn flesh. It is cow flesh but what difference would that make. My other question to flame thing is how does it not go out when he isn't in the sun but as soon as he steps into that sun it is out. Does he have like some electric starter on him that is controlled by some light sensor? This brings up another thing that is totally wrong with the Skeleton Rider story.
I don't know how he does it, but the Skeleton Rider can grow back his skin and all of his other flesh when he goes back to the human stage. That is my question you can't do that; it is against the laws of nature for humans to grow back all of their organs. There are a few that can like skin and a few other, but not if the person doesn't have them in the first place. I have never seen skin heal after being burnt off like that either; especially if the skin was exposed to that much heat. The Doc. could possible do a skin graph but how would it work if there is no blood supply to it. I have learned that in order for most injuries to heal you have to get oxygen to the area or nothing well happen. This includes the broken bones that he should get by the force of the throws, punches, kick, and all other things that hit him.
The next thing is a little bit more realistic but not much. His motorcycle can change just as quickly as he can from the human stage to the "Ghost Rider" stage. I know that you can change the appearance of a bike, but not that quickly. It seems to me that it changes in like five seconds. Not even the Orange County Chopper can do that, and they are some of the best people at building bikes. They can probably do it in like a day or two but never in five sec. The Skeleton Rider's bike also seems to have the ability to drive itself. This is impossible with out some sort of intelligence either artificial; like blonde's who have dyed their hair brown, sorry for those that are blond but I just had to throw that in, or some computer controlling it. We know that it doesn't have any artificial intelligence by the way that acts and how it drivers without the Rider doing the driving. It clipped a truck that was just parked there, and if it did the bike wouldn't have let the license plate fall off at the scene of the crime. Another reason why it has no brains is that after a being driven by that maniac it wouldn't let him drive any more.
Then you have is the Skeleton Rider's so called "powers." First one is that stupid stare of his that burns your soul. They have to look in his eyes when he does this, and wouldn't it happen whenever somebody look into his eye. Why don't people just not look when he tells you to do this. If he has the power to control where your face is facing why not just close your eyes. Now the flames. What does the flame do? Is it there just for show? Why doesn't it burn the skin when somebody touches it. Every time I have touched a frame for a longer period of time than just sweeping me hand through it I got burned. The next power that I have is his ability to drive straight up. This is impossible for your would need a whole lot of friction, and I don't know any tires that can do that. When he does this as well, in the movie the building that he drives up is glass and the glass brakes and melt when the bike drives over this. Now I can believe that the glass brakes but melts, the bike isn't on flames.
Taylor, you're silly!
I love it Taylor! Perfect, absolutely perfect, that Ghostrider is full of crap!
that comment is from Jared, by the way!
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